Josh Vogt

Front End Links - May 13-20, 2017

Published by Josh Vogt on

A list of links that I don't want to forge about for May 13 to May 20, 2017


  1. CSS and the First Meaningful Paint

    Patrick Hamann gives an in-depth talk on web perf and measuring the first meaninful paint

  2. Responsive Design for Motion

    An article on the WebKit blog on the `prefers-reduced-motion` media query which allows CSS authors to reduce or eliminate UI animations. This is based on the Media Queries Level 5 spec.

  3. Women Who Design

    A long list of women in the design and development community for you to follow on Twitter

  4. Breaking out with CSS Grid Layout

    Discussing a technique to allow certain elements to fill the viewport from within a fixed width container

  5. Inclusive Components - Menus and Menu Buttons

    Heydon Pickering writes on in-depth article on creating inclusive patterns for menu and menu buttons. Great accessibility reference. </li> </ol>

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