Josh Vogt

CSS Grid Layout - Understanding Grid Template Areas

Published by Josh Vogt on

An introduciton on the basics of grid-template-areas in CSS Grid layout. It's one the most powerful features in the spec.


This article references the new CSS Grid Layout Module. More specifically, it covers the grid-template-areas property. It is a powerfuly property that lets you visualize your grid in your CSS and explictly place grid items in a named area.

Defining a simple grid.

As simple grid layout could be a page with a sidebar and large content container surronded by a header and footer.The basic markup would consist of something like this:

<main class="grid-container">
  <header class="header"></header>
    <nav class="nav"></nav>
    <section class="content"></section>
  <footer class="footer"></footer>

The header and footer will span the full width of the container while the sidebar will take up about a 25% of the container and the content will fill the rest. To express this with grid-template-areas I’ll need to apply the following CSS the the grid-container:

  display: grid;                      /* 1 */
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 3fr;     /* 2 */
  grid-template-rows: 4rem auto 3rem; /* 3 */
  grid-gap: 20px;                     /* 4 */
  grid-template-areas:                /* 5 */
    " header header "
    " nav content "
    " footer footer "
  1. Set the display property to grid.
  2. Use the grid-template-columns property to set the number of coumns and define their width (in this exampe I’m using the new fr unit to set the width of the first column to 1/4 of the available width and content section to 3/4 of the available width.
  3. The grid-template-rows property can be used to define the height of the rows. In this example the header and footer will take 4rem and 3rem respectivly and the body content will take up the remaining available space.
  4. The grid-gap property defines the grid’s gutters and is shorthand for grid-column-gap and grid-row-gap.
  5. This is the fun part. grid-template-areas defines the areas available in the grid. The name given to grid areas are arbitrary but should be sensible. The grid-template-areas also provides a crude visual representation of the page layout.

Child elements of a grid are assigned to their location using the grid-area property on the child elements. This is a very simple example but it already demonstrates the power the CSS Grid Layout. Simply changing the name a classes grid-area can drastically change the layout.

 grid-area: header;

  grid-area: nav;

  grid-area: content;

  grid-area: footer;

Changing the grid-area in the CodePen below can really mess with the layout. In a good way.

See the Pen Basic CSS Grid Layout by Josh Vogt (@josh_vogt) on CodePen.

Creating a nested grid.

CSS Grid Layout Level 1 was initially meant to include subgrid layout as well but as Rachel Andrew has pointed out, this have been moved to Level 2 of the CSS Grid specification. However, creating a nested grid is a simple as applying display: grid; to an element whose parent is a grid container. In this example the simple layout above will have its content grid-area contain its own two-column grid.

  grid-area: content; /* from the previous example */
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; /* two columns of equal width */
  grid-gap: 10px;

The nested grid will now contain a two-column grid of items, each column will take 50% of available space.

See the Pen Basic CSS Grid Layout with nested grid by Josh Vogt (@josh_vogt) on CodePen.

Learn more about CSS Grid Layout.

The two easiest things to do if you want to learn more about CSS Grid Layout is follow Rachel Andrew and Jen Simmons on Twitter and read their blogs.

Other Resources.

Corrections or comment can be directed to my twitter account @jshvgt.

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